We are new. What do we need to know?
Whether your child is 4 years old starting Teeball for the first time or 8 years old moving to Lincoln the requirements are the same.
You will need to create a family profile on our website. Next, you will register
your child. Complete your registration with a payment via credit card (debit card), PayPal or mail a check. You will need to upload 2 items for proof of residency.
*Proof of Residency: Copy of parent drivers license, utility bill, lease, mortgage, or tax bill with a Lincoln, RI address
Who can play in Lincoln?
To play Little League baseball in Lincoln you must be a resident of Lincoln or Central Falls (proof of residency required). If you live outside of Lincoln or Central Falls but your child’s school is located in Lincoln or Central Falls, they may participate in Lincoln Little League.
The softball program is through USA Softball and has no boundaries. Any girl, age 7–12 years-old from anywhere may participate in the Lincoln Softball program.
Do you need proof of residency every year?
Yes. Little League requires proof of residency or proof of school attendance within the local Little League’s boundaries. Even if your child played in Lincoln Little League last year, according to Little League’s rules, you must submit proof this year.
Is there any financial assistance available?
T-Mobile offers the Little League Call Up Grant to help families in need cover the cost of registration. More information
For families signing up multiple siblings, Lincoln Little League caps the maximum cost per family.
Please contact the league Player Agent with any additional questions:
Baseball: Brian McDonnell
Softball: Brian Hurley
What equipment does my child need?
We provide teams with uniforms, bats, helmets and catcher’s gear. Your child will need their own glove, cleats, and athletic cup. Many players have their own bats and helmets which is optional.
What type of bat should I purchase?
Bats used in Little League must be USABat certified. Little League Bat Rules
Softball: USA Softball Bat Certification, Little League Softball Bat Policy
What type of cleats are allowed?
In both Little League baseball and USA Softball 12U and younger, metal cleats are not permitted. We recommend molded cleats where the plastic or rubber studs are molded into the construction of the shoe.
In T-Ball and A Minors we recommend sneakers to prevent injury when children accidentally step on eachothers feet.
What age group should I sign my child up for?
Little League age is based on the child’s age as of August 31 of the current year. Little League Age Calculator
USA Softball age is based on the child’s age as of December 31 of the current year.
What are tryouts?
Tryouts are mandatory for all 7–12 year-olds in the baseball program. 7 year-olds who wish to “play up” must try out. The purpose of tryouts is so we can place all players in the appropriate division based on their ability level. Skills evaluated include throwing and catching, fielding, hitting, and pitching.
Can my child “play up”?
There are circumstances where a child may play up a level at the parent’s request:
- 5 year-olds may play in the A division with 1 year of T-Ball or relevant experience.
- 6 year-olds may play in the AA division.
- 7 year-olds may play in the AAA division (a tryout is mandatory).
- 8–9 year-olds cannot play in the Majors division.
- 12 year-olds may play in the Junior division.
- To request to play up and/or any additional questions please contact the league player agent, Brian McDonnell.
What are the rules?
The Little League Rulebook is available as a free app for your phone. In some of our divisions we add additional local rules for increased safety and to aid in player development.
The USA Sofball Rulebook is available as a pdf download.